Globe Artichokes (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus)
Onions are frost hardy and germinate best between
Direct Seeding
Growing Seedlings
Germination temperature -
Bed Preparation
Raised beds
On the flat -
Plant Spacing
Germination temperature -
Germination temperature -
Pests and Diseases
Germination temperature -
November – January depending on variety & location
Globe artichokes are a type of perennial thistle developed from wild cardoons. They are large decorative plants that need full sun and their distinctive grey foliage makes a beautiful feature in flower beds during winter and spring.
Seeds are easily germinated in a warm place (21-26°C) late winter/spring and are ready to plant out after 8-12 weeks once there is no danger of frost. Force them to flower in their first season by taking them out of their warm germinating environment and expose them to 10 days of cold (7-10°C) weather.
The other way of propagating them is by dividing the plants in late autumn when they start to regrow after being cut back..
Prepare the ground well. Artichokes require very fertile, well drained soil.
Give the plants plenty of room. 600-900mm between plants,
1-1.5m between rows. -
Drip irrigation.
Planted in rich soil globe artichokes have almost no disease or pest problems.
Harvest when the flowers are well grown but still a tight bud.
When all the buds have been harvested cut the plants back to ground level.
Globe artichokes come in two colours, green and purple. They also vary in shape from squat and fat to more elongated. Some plants produce really wicked spikes on the end of the petals. There is very little difference in taste. Plants grown from seed are often quite variable so make sure you identify and mark the plants that you like best and vegetatively propagate from them in their second year.
Green Globe
Purple Varieties
Globe artichokes are such beautiful, showy plants that if you have the space you will inevitably want more than one plant. Seedlings are available in most nurseries but there is no more guarantee that they will grow true to type than the much cheaper option of growing your own plants from seed. Over planting in the first year is recommended. You will then have the option of selecting the plants you really like and culling out the spike producing plants.
Globe artichokes are perennials and will grow back in the same spot every year however they do benefit by being lifted, divided and moved into a newly fertilised spot every few years.
Weeds are not a big problem with these large leafy plants but they do benefit from being heavily mulched.